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Friends For 10: Artist and Collaborator, Sally King Benedict

To celebrate our 10 year anniversary, we’re celebrating the tastemakers, collaborators and like-minded business women who have championed & cherished the Lizzie Fortunato brand for over a decade. Friends for 10 is a series of short interviews that introduces you to these very women. They are our supporters and muses. Just like you, they are the people who’ve shaped our brand and made Lizzie Fortunato, well … Lizzie Fortunato. #LF10 

When Kathryn moved out of our shared apartment (after 30 years of living together), the only thing we argued over was our Sally “Face” painting. We both equally loved the cheery girl in our kitchen and both desperately wanted to keep her. Enter Sally to save the day! She made our beloved painting a “twin” and now they both hang in our respective living rooms. This is the essence of Sally - she’s talented (her artwork has graced the cover of Domino magazine), gracious, always has a smile on her face and feels like the living version of her joyful face portraits that she’s become so well known for. Over ten years of knowing her, we feel so lucky to have collaborated with Sally and to call this cool artist a friend and fellow girl boss - she’s a mama, artist, entrepreneur, and star creative.

Q & A:



1. What is your first (or favorite!) memory of Lizzie / Kathryn / the brand?

SB: Gosh, how long has it been since I met the twins?! I believe it was NYC with Kate Dougherty Towill circa 2008-ish after college when we were all still babies, but Lizzie and Kathryn had already gotten their step into real world. I have looked up to them since! I will never forget visiting their first studio in the LES!? I think that’s where it was…

2. Are you a Lizzie (creative) or a Kathryn (business)?

SB: I’m both of the girls! The triplet they never had!

3. What is your favorite Fortune Find for your home?

SB: I bought a little Moroccan rug and can’t help but feel cozy and happy every time I walk on it! It’s the same way the girls make me feel when I am with them.

4. What is your favorite way to style statement jewelry?

SB: Layering it on a super casual, classic look and letting the jewelry shine



5. What is the oldest accessory in your closet?

SB: A leopard skin beret from my great grandmother. It’s way too small for me, but I dream of wearing it daily.

6. What is the most random thing in your purse right now?

SB: A piece of raffia for wrapping whatever random gift I find for that special someone. Dear friends deserve unexpected gifts, and I love to be prepared when I find that “something”. I’m always ready to wrap immediately with a pretty bow.

7. I am a “______” [insert occupation here] and I am passionate about ______:

SB: Artist; People.

Worlds Collide: Sally's collaboration with Lizzie Fortunato


8. Small but impactful advice for aspiring female entrepreneurs:

SB: Surround yourself with a few and mighty supporters, but always be confident in making it on your own. You can do it without asking for too much!

9. In my next life I want to be a _____:

SB: A musician (composer/dj/producer) that can create any genre for any mood, make soundtracks to films, and play the guitar and piano by ear.

10. Any secret talents?

SB: I can make a sauce for anything!



11. What is the most played song on your phone (or iPod)?

SB: Currently it’s Turnmills by Maribou State.

12. What are you doing tomorrow?

SB: Meeting clients that are driving in from another state to challenge my commission skill. I’ll have one day to meet, create, and present a finished work for them to then drive home with...all within 24 hours. Should be an interesting challenge.

13. One item you can't live without when you travel______:

SB: Swimmers ear solution!



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